Use Calendar Feed Print

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Calendar feeds let you share your calendar with external users. The calendar feed is an iCal compatible URL that can be opened through a browser. For Windows, Internet Explorer will open the link in Outlook, and Firefox will give the options of Outlook or the online calendar solution, 30 Boxes. For Mac, Safari will open the link in iCal, and Firefox will give the options of iCal or the online calendar solution, 30 Boxes. Events cannot be added or edited in the shared calendar. To use the calendar feed, perform the following steps:

  1. Right-click a personal calendar and select Edit.
    Edit link highlighted
  2. Under Calendar Feed, click the Enable link to activate the URL. Note: The Public URL will show private events as Busywith no additional details. The Private URL will show all details for all events, whether they are marked as private or not.
    Enable link highlighted
  3. Click the Enable URL button.
  4. To share the enabled URL, click the Email this URL link. An email compose window will open with the embedded calendar feed URL. Enter additional text, as desired. The recipient(s) of this URL will be able to view your calendar.
    Email this URL link highlighted
  5. If you use the Private URL, you can reset access to it. To discontinue current access, click the Reset link. You will need to send the new URL to share this calendar feed again.
    Reset link highlighted
  6. To discontinue access to either calendar feed, click the Disable link.
  7. When you are finished, click the Save button.

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