Manage Tasks Print

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To edit a task's details, do the following:

  1. In Tasks, double-click the task you want to edit.
  2. When the Edit Task window appears, you can make changes to the task details, as desired. Note: To learn more, please see the help topic, "Add Task."
  3. Click the Save button.

To manage tasks from the main Tasks window, do the following:

  • To mark a task as complete, click the small checkmark icon, located to the left of the task name.
    Checkmark highlighted
  • To delete a task, select the check box next to the task, and then click the Delete button. To delete all tasks, select the uppermost check box, and then click the Delete button.
  • To view all tasks, completed tasks, or incomplete tasks, click the drop-down menu and select All TasksCompleted Tasks, orIncomplete Tasks.
  • To sort tasks alphabetically (which is the default setting), click the Tasks column heading. To change the sort order (from "A to Z" or "Z to A"), click the Tasks column heading again.
  • To sort tasks according to due date, click the Due Date column heading. To change the sort order (from "soonest to latest" or "latest to soonest"), click the Due Date column heading again.
  • To sort tasks according to complete/incomplete status, click the Checkmark column heading. To change the sort order (from "completed/incomplete" to "incomplete/completed"), click the Checkmark column heading again. 


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